IELTS academic task 1 sample essay 15: average life expectancy per country

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In the graph above, average life expectancy (in years) is compared for six countries: Monaco, the United States, the Philippines, Laos, Rwanda, and South Africa.

The graph organizes the country from longest life expectancy to shortest, left to right. Individuals in Monaco have the longest life expectancy, well over 84 years. Next highest is the United States, with a life expectancy around 75 years. The Philippines is third highest, Laos is fourth, and Rwanda second to last. All of these have a life expectancy of more than 52 years. Of the six countries surveyed here, only South Africa has a life expectancy lower than this.

In summary, life expectancies from this survey of six countries vary widely. That of Monaco (with the highest life expectancy) approaches twice that of South Africa (with the lowest life expectancy). In this graph, Europe and the US have the longest life expectancies, Asia is in the middle, and the African countries have the shortest life expectancies.

(162 words)

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