Average weekly attacks bar chart

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[NB. An official IELTS paper would use information much less political, this chart was used entirely for convenience.]

The bar chart shows the number of weekly attacks on targets ranging from Coalition forces, Iraqi citizens and Iraqi Security forces, in given time periods, based on political events, over 3 years.

Attacks on coalition forces remained at around 400 per week then reached 600 per week once the government was established and the frequency of attacks remained at roughly this level thereafter. Assaults on Iraqi Security forces were greater than the previous period for 7 out of the 9 periods, thereby reaching an almost 20 fold increase by the end of the time-scale. Unfortunately, attacks on Iraqi civilians also saw an increase for every period reported except in the pre-constitution stage where they fall by more than 50%, only to rise repeatedly afterwards.

Overall it is clear the number of attacks increased. Although the largest proportion was represented by attacks on coalition forces, the group seeing the largest increase in attacks in percentage terms were the Iraqi security forces.

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