IELTS academic task 1 sample essay 18: daily activity distribution per day

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IELTS academic task 1 sample essay 18: daily activity distribution per day


This pie chart shows the share of time in a day that is generally occupied by each of five activities (these five activities add up to 100 percent). These common activities are sleeping, working, eating, travelling, and relaxing.

By far the greatest portion of the day is consumed by work, at nearly 42 percent. Sleeping occupies the second highest portion of time: exactly one quarter of the day. Travelling accounts for nearly 17 percent of the day’s activity. Eating and relaxing each account for exactly 8.3 percent of daily activity.

In short, work makes up a very large share—although not a majority—of daily activity. At 41.7 percent it takes up more time than the other three waking activities combined, as eating, travelling, and relaxing total only 33.3 percent of daily activity. Added all together, waking activities account for three-fourths of all activity, and sleep accounts for only one-fourth.

(150 words)

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