Genset diesel monitoring

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IELTS academic task 1 sample essay 20: Genset diesel monitoring


The graph above charts both fuel consumption (the left vertical axis and blue bars) and operation hours (the right vertical axis and red line) for five fuel burning generators.

Generator B consumed the most fuel, around 215 units. Generator C consumed 200 units, the second most. Generator D was third in fuel consumption, around 165 units. Both Generator E and A consumed far less: just over 125 units and just under 125, respectively.

In terms of operation hours, Generator E was highest, at around 95. Next came Generator A, at approximately 85 hours. Generator C saw the third highest operation hours, followed by Generator B. Generator D had the fewest operation hours: less than 68.

Looking at Generators A and E—those with the lowest fuel consumption and highest operation hours—it appears that fuel consumption and operation hours are inversely related. This does not hold true for the other three generators, however.

(153 words)

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