IELTS academic task 1 sample essay 7: January 2015 temperature variation in the Philippines

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The preceding line graph tracks daily temperature fluctuations in the Philippines throughout the month of January 2015.

Temperatures at 12:00 PM are unsurprisingly the highest by far. Temperatures for this time of day varied between roughly 28 degrees and more than 32 degrees. The high temperature for the month was measured at noon on both January 21 and 29.

Temperatures for the three other times shown (6:00 AM, 6:00 PM, and 12:00 AM) follow a similar trend to each other, fluctuating around 20 degrees. The coldest temperature for the month occurred on January 1, when a low of 15 degrees was recorded.

From January 1 to January 31 relatively little warming was seen overall, as illustrated by the trend line in the bottom section of the graph. A slight exception to this may be observed in the early morning temperature readings, as evidence by the peak 6:00 AM temperature on January 31.

(152 words)

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