IELTS academic task 1 sample essay 9: Toyota car sales – quarterly monitoring

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The bar graph above tracks quarterly Toyota car sales from January 2015 through October 2015.

In January 2014 over 1.5 million Toyota cars were sold—the lowest in the graph. The figure climbed to roughly 1.9 million in the quarter beginning in April 2014, then declined to just over 1.6 million cars in the third quarter (July through September). By the end of 2014 sales had again risen to over 1.9 million cars. Through the quarter beginning in July 2015 sales numbers fluctuated only slightly.

The fourth quarter of 2015 has seen less than one million Toyota cars sold. With November and December 2015 still remaining, however, if fourth quarter sales maintain their October pace this will likely be the quarter with the highest sales in 2014 and 2015. The final quarter of 2014 was the second highest-selling past quarter, with negligibly fewer sales than in April through June 2015. Overall, sales have been higher in 2015 than in 2014.

(160 words)

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